31 March 2011

303rd Day

Sweet sunshine. 
(Please don't pay attention to the dirty windows.)

Day 303

Formal is coming, formal is coming!
I had to make a last minute shopping run for supplies today -- look out world, I purchased nail polish. I can't wait until Saturday night!
More photos to follow.

30 March 2011

Day 302

After my marathon day of meetings yesterday (9:30 am - 11:30 pm), I'm giving myself the night off tonight to watch my favorite movie of all time. I really am a band nerd at heart. I inevitably blubber like a baby every time I watch this film...every time.

302nd Day

I love Wednesdays because I get good bonding time with my roommate who is lucky enough to have Work From Home Wednesdays. 

29 March 2011

Day 301

I'm always dreaming of some faraway place. Usually it's warm. Usually it's beautiful. Usually it's Grenada.

301st Day


28 March 2011

300th Day

One of my favorite birthday presents. I feel very Victorian wearing this. 

Day 300!!!

Tea with honey (and sugar, of course) for breakfast, lunch, and after supper. I'm so sick of being sick. Sore throat please go away!
P.S. Bear with me over the next few days. My Macbook charger has sadly passed away, and a new one is in the mail. If I'm late posting, that's why!

27 March 2011

299th Day

Ashley's new title in the apartment: expert pancake maker. 
All pancakes in Winthrop #2 will hereby be made by A.J.H.
Yes, there are M&Ms in them!

Day 299

let love shine. 'nuff said.
You know what I really love? When women's basketball is on TV. And I can actually lay around all day and watch it. Even if it is 6'8" Brittney Griner and Baylor. I can always cheer against them (and I am -- Go UW-Green Bay!)

26 March 2011

Day 298

This picture pretty much sums up my Saturday afternoon -- close to an hour spent on the phone (most of it on hold) to get a credit card situation worked out. Don't try to charge me twice, Blockade Runner Beach Resort in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina -- I'm too smart for you! And dear, dear Thin Mint cookies from the freezer: you make my world go round and save me from insanity.

298th Day

Hello, blue skies. Shame on you for deceiving us all into thinking it's nice out! 

25 March 2011

297th Day

Yes, Melissa, I agree that this is good marketing. 
I really like this thought. And it's just all the more funny to me because it's Loyola. 

Day 297 {Friday Flashback}

It's snowing in Illinois today, but it's cherry blossom time in Washington, D.C. These are pictures of last year's blossoms. I lived by the Japanese Embassy, so our entire street was lined with cherry trees. It was a beautiful walk to campus!
Of course, we had to go see the blossoms on the Mall and at the Tidal Basin. We probably could have gotten in trouble for climbing the trees, but we had a blast (even if there were millions of tourists everywhere). It's days like today that make me miss DC!

24 March 2011

296th Day

Old hymns in an old church. A perfect way to spend part of my Thursday night. 
A break from the chaos. A break to reflect. A break to give thanks. 

Day 296

I was up bright and early to spend the morning cleaning up brush and trash along the creek in the Le Seur nature preserve just a few blocks from campus. It was really cold and I'm still picking burrs from my hair, but the water is flowing again!

23 March 2011

Day 295

My four favorite lines of poetry from e.e. cummings.
Words to live by.

295th Day

It's a hood, Mom. Not a hoodie. 

22 March 2011

Day 294

After reading this ridiculous article, some wonderful friends and I were inspired to take a homework break and go through the drive-thru at Taco Bell. Don't worry, we didn't shoot anyone!

294th Day

The only video game system we owned growing up was just like this and was a gift from my Uncle Todd. We have this on loan thanks to my roommate's boyfriend.  I spent part of my evening playing Super Mario Bros. and fondly remembered playing this with my little brother in the basement of our old house. My dad was a pro at Duck Hunt. We never could beat him! I was impressed by how much I remembered from this game. The music (in the link) is ingrained in my head forever. 

293rd Day

I love my polka dot lunchbox.

21 March 2011

Day 293

Tonight at band rehearsal I crushed a bug with a straight mute. Forget live and let live -- it was coming toward my foot! Oh, the joys of spring!
Note: This is not a reenactment -- there is actually a bug under there!

20 March 2011

292nd Day

So many flowers basking in the afternoon sun.

291st Day

An afternoon at the Garfield Park Conservatory.

My roommates threw one classy event.
I have such beautiful friends. I can't thank them enough for such a fabulous party.

Day 292

I went and heard U.S. Olympic track and field gold medalist, Marion Jones, speak at church today. I remember watching her win the 100 meter dash 11 years ago in Sydney. I had pictures of her on the walls of my bedroom. She inspired me to run track. I ran all the same events as she did. These are some of my ribbons and medals from the good ol' days!
And then she admitted to using performance enhancing drugs. I remember being really disappointed, and then I pushed her from my mind...until I heard she was coming to Peoria. She spent time in jail for lying to federal investigators and now she's come out on the other side. She has an amazing testimony and I'm glad I got to hear her speak today! I can't wait to read her book and watch her play in the WNBA.

19 March 2011

Day 291

It's official. Starting this August, Bloomington, Indiana is going to be my new home!

290th Day

Recipe for a beautiful way to celebrate twenty four years.
Renoir and Chagall! Then cupcakes.

Followed by a delicious dinner with lovely friends.

18 March 2011

Day 290 {Friday Flashback}

This afternoon I went out to supper with my grandpa. So ice cream was a must. When I was little I followed him around wanting to do everything he did...and we always eat ice cream together. I think I was really proud of that carrot. And don't ask what I was wearing. Apparently I had a problem wearing actual clothes when I was young.

Day 289

I'm about 75% German, but tonight I raised a glass (or a bottle rather) of Guinness to my only Irish ancestor (that I know of). But of course I couldn't tear myself away from my precious annotated bibliography. Here's to my great-great-great grandmother, Kathryn Galloway.

17 March 2011

289th Day

Yea iphone photobooth app.

16 March 2011

288th Day

RBC Reunion = Love
2008 - 2011
The lovely Chelsea is spending her spring break in Chicago!

Day 288

Four down...one more to go. I am so over copy editing papers for the Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research.

15 March 2011

287th Day

Two of my favorite things: mail and fresh flowers. Mailed fresh flowers. Brilliant!
When I was younger my mother would frequently leave fresh flowers from her garden on my bedside table. I loved waking up to her surprise flowers. I could think of no more perfect place than by my bed to put such a lovely, thoughtful, and unexpected gift.

Day 287

Sometimes I seriously wonder if I really am an adult. Especially considering my love for Teddy Grahams (but only of the chocolate chip variety). I may be graduating from college in 2 months (from today!!!!), but I'm pretty sure part of me will always be the six-year-old kid who eats Teddy Grahams and Goldfish for a snack.

14 March 2011

Day 286

I rocked my TOMS for the first time today. They are seriously the most comfortable pair of shoes I have ever owned. And I feel good knowing that somewhere in the world a child has shoes because I bought this pair. I can't wait until 5 April -- it's One Day Without Shoes. I will definitely be going barefoot!

And in completely unrelated news...I think my very short and very blonde hair is under control now.

286th Day

Scenes from a day of freedom: Writing notes at my favorite cafe, Argo Tea. After returning library books I visited the lake front at Northwestern University to check on the painted rock (it's "Birthday" by Marc Chagall - there is also a song by the Weepies entitled "Painting by Chagall") where my friend, Braxton, proposed to my friend, Laura. (She said yes and they got married in May 2009.) I had lunch with Evy and during the tour of her office building we found a lovely stained glass window for our alma mater. Also, the flowers I bought last week are still alive!
Now to crack open the bubbly for celebration of my freedom and for Enrique's 1st birthday!

13 March 2011

Day 285

So I went to get my hair cut/highlighted yesterday...

285th Day

*enter trumpets*

Day 284

I helped my sister make Oreo truffles for her Calculus class. Apparently Monday is Pi Day (you know, March 14 -- 3.14) and they get to bring treats. My truffles were either too big, too small, too lopsided, or too crumbly for my sister the perfectionist. But they still tasted delicious!!!

12 March 2011

284th Day

I'm so tired of this view of the apartment.

Day 283

Home sweet home...