30 April 2011

333rd Day

stackz 4 lyfe! *insert gang sign*
 meow, meow, meow.

29 April 2011

332nd Day

I would like to work here, please?

Note to self: even though it got above 50 degrees today it does not mean that a night baseball game in April won't be cold. 

Day 332

Royal Wedding Breakfast Party! It began at 3 am!

My first try at baking scones!

Hurray for friends...and breaking into my birthday gin!
What a wonderful way to start a Friday! Scrambled eggs (with curry), sausage, scones, and gin and juice! And yes, I decorated my apartment. Judge away!

28 April 2011

Day 331

I picked up my cap and gown today. It's starting to feel real! Now I just need to start working on that speech!

331st Day

My closet exploded as my roommates helped me find an outfit for my interview tomorrow. 

27 April 2011

330th Day

St. Paul, Minnesota

329th Day

Williston, North Dakota

Day 330

President Obama released his birth certificate today (which is just silly. Leave the man alone, Trump). This is LBJ's (courtesy of the LBJ Library and Museum in Austin, TX). Good to know he was legitimate -- even if he didn't have a name!

P.S. A very handsome little birdie (named Brian Williams) told me that 2/3 of Republicans are skeptical about Obama's native citizenship. Don't we have bigger fish to fry right now?

26 April 2011

Day 329

God's promise in my own backyard.
What a beautiful morning...to drive back to Monmouth (in my new car!!!).
Only 7 days of classes left!

25 April 2011

328th Day

My eyes will never tire of this.

Day 328

I played Mexican Train at my grandparents' tonight. I'm more of a Chicken Foot fan, but my grandma really showed me how it's done! 4 perfect hands (do you call them hands in dominos?) in a row!

327th Day

We decided we'd help this cowboy out. It is Easter after all.
What a view! Could there be a more perfect spot to build a ranch? 
I think not. Well done, TR. 

24 April 2011

Day 327

Hunting for mushrooms after lunch at my grandparents...

...in my yellow boots!

23 April 2011

326th Day

Toto, I've a feeling we aren't in Kansas anymore.
In case you can't tell, I'm wearing a buffalo coat. I'm clearly not in the Midwest. I'm in the bona fide American West.

Day 326

Coloring Easter eggs with my sister!

We had it down to a science.

Note my awesome (well, I thought it was awesome, but no one else did) pink and blue speckled egg aka The Eighties Egg!

22 April 2011

325th Day

We didn't get the predicted nine, yes, nine inches of snow today, just rain.
Nevertheless, a fire was a welcomed treat. 

Day 325

It's good to touch the green, green grass of home. Happy Earth Day (and Good Friday too)!

Earth Day always makes me think of the cartoon, Captain Planet. I used to watch it on Saturday mornings when I was younger, and the theme song has been in my head all day!

21 April 2011

324th Day

Sunrise over the flooded plains of North Dakota.

323rd Day

Sunset over the Mississippi River.

Day 324

Lilacs on my grandma's table.
It's good to be home!

Day 323

Chocolate-covered Peeps? Don't mind if I do.

19 April 2011

322nd Day

This pretty much summed up today.

Day 322

I presented an English paper on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle today -- not my usual cup of tea (pun intended).

Day 321

Scots Eve on duty watching the Chicago Bulls go up 2-0 on the Pacers. It's just like the good old days when I would stay up past my bedtime to watch MJ, Pippen, and Rodman on the kitchen TV.

18 April 2011

321st Day

Wait! I thought it was April?
Then why was there snow on the ground this morning?!

17 April 2011

Day 320 {Palm Sunday}

My prayer today:
I am the thorn in your crown, but You love me anyway
I am the sweat from your brow, but You love me anyway
I am the nail in your wrist, but You love me anyway
I am Judas' kiss, but You love me anyway
It's like nothing in life that I've ever known.
Yes, You love me anyway
Oh Lord, how You love me.

Day 319

Pepperoni's Pizza with Paige!!!

(That's a lot of P's)

320th Day

Daffodils, sunshine, and my old stompin' grounds. 

16 April 2011

319th Day

Alpha Family!!!
Happy Founder's Day, Alpha Xi Delta!

318th Day

I got the most adorable Easter postcard in the mail from my grandmother.
It was sent to my great-grandmother for Easter in 1911 from her cousins, Althena and Avonelle.

15 April 2011

Day 318

Friday night date with Herman Hesse's Steppenwolf. How fitting.

317th Day

14 April 2011

Day 317

Who needs paper?
P.S. Halpin, I got your Cheetos.

13 April 2011

316th Day

I love our bulletin board/closet door.

Day 316

Scenes from a wonderful Wednesday.

All the hard work finally paid off...published copy of the journal I edited...in my hands.

Reading Steppenwolf in a tree...whilst eating a cupcake.

And blowing pink bubbles. Note to self: Bubbles blow back in your face when it's windy.

11 April 2011

314th Day

Today I got to have lunch with one of my dearest friends. Few people make me laugh like he does, keeps me in check like he does, and is always there like he is. Here he is trying to reach the ginormous metal baseball bat sculpture outside the Harold Washington Social Security Building.

Day 314

1 Part Fear. 1 Part Procrastination. 2 Parts Pure Elation.