31 October 2010

153rd Day

My trip was made all the more enjoyable thanks to the very gracious, hospitable and charming Swicegood family.  Above is their charming home in Virginia. Below is Daddy Swice's awesome pumpkin.  Thanks for such a fun weekend - I'm so glad I finally got to meet all of you!

Happy Halloween!

Day 153

I'm really not a fan of Halloween. To celebrate today, I took a run out through the cemetery and back in the cool autumn air and my beautiful running shoes (I'm still in love with them). And I wore orange socks.
I might watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown later, but that's about as Halloween-ish as I get.

30 October 2010

152nd Day - my most historic day!

Today, I was a part of history. I attended my first rally ever, along with hoards, upon hoards of people on the Washington Mall in D.C. People of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, beliefs, religions, ethnicities, and ages answered the call made by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.  We are Americans who are not extreme, who believe in healthy debate, who are fed up with nonsense and the lack of accountability in politics and the media, and who believe that we can change as a country.  We are a group that doesn't believe that the loudest voices are the only ones that should be heard.  If everyone is yelling, no one is listening, and therefore nothing can be done to fix the problems at hand.  Well, today we spoke our minds with our cleverness, our humor, and by our presence.  It was Amazing. 
This is where we began.  We slowly made our way to the front. 
                                 "for a reasonable tomorrow" - Shortly after we made it onto the Mall.
                                   This kid was living it up - so many photographs!
                                                       "All We Are Saying is Give Reason A Chance" - At 7th and Madison.
                                             By this point we can actually hear Stewart and Colbert.
SO MANY PEOPLE! We're almost to the Capitol. 

"What do we want? Reasonable Discourse.
When do we want it? Sometime in the not-too-distant future."

"Calm the f*ck down America"

"Palin Voldemort 2012" 

Back on the metro with my snazzy "Keep Fear Alive" button.  What an adventure!

Day 152

Today was my last marching band show...ever. It's crazy to think that I've been playing the trombone and marching since I was in 5th grade -- that's 11 years!

29 October 2010

Day 151

To kill some time between the 5th Friday Art Walk and the Faculty Recital, my sister and I stopped in to watch our first ever swim meet.

151st Day

From Old Town - Alexandria, VA to Mount Vernon.

150th Day

Midway to Dulles.

28 October 2010

Day 150

While I may have missed LBJ's birthday two months ago, I do have one of his campaign buttons on my refrigerator. It is one of many, but it is my favorite one. Although, my new Jimmy Carter one is a close second. Note: The Roosevelts are not fridge-worthy.

27 October 2010

149th Day

A yellow, blustery Wednesday.

Day 149

Praise the Lord, O my soul. O Lord, my God, you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty. He wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters. He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind. Psalm 104:1-3

26 October 2010

Day 148

This afternoon I took time off from life as I know it -- also known as grad school applications -- to take in the Monmouth-Knox soccer game. Despite the 50 mph hour wind gusts, it was nice to kick back with a cup of coffee and a friend to watch the Scots pull out a 3-0 win!

148th Day

Today's weather prompted Bob Dylan songs to run through my head all day.
"It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall." - And fall it did. 
"The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind." - The Windy City held true to its name.

25 October 2010

Day 147

Getting out of band early + No staff meeting + TV + Hot tea = A perfectly relaxing Monday night!

147th Day

After a long, productive day, I treated myself to an episode of Doctor Who.  Oh, David Tennant, how I miss you. 

24 October 2010

146th Day

Pumpkin spice cake. Delicious! 

Day 146

Finally, I had some time to write some good old fashioned letters!

145th Day

Craft fairs

Day 145

An afternoon spent in the local history room of the Pekin Public Library...

And going to the dinner theater to see my sister take it to the T-Birds again -- what could be better?

22 October 2010

Day 144

I couldn't miss the opportunity to go home to see my sister play a high school English teacher in Grease. She was pretty convincing as Miss Lynch -- I think I'd be afraid of her!

144th Day

Here's to a Friday night with pizza, a movie, dear friends, and socked feet. 
Chicago's getting chilly. 

21 October 2010

Day 143

Give my Women's Studies class chalk under the cover of darkness and things are bound to get a little radical. We'll see what the campus thinks of our antics when they walk to class tomorrow morning!

143rd Day

Happy 24th Birthday, Ashley!

Yummy churros and ice cream + birthday lunch = awesome day!

20 October 2010

Day 142

Two more great things about autumn: drinking apple cider and wearing flannel. And not just any flannel, but purple flannel (I think that might be the most times I've ever used the word flannel in a sentence).

142nd Day

Today in the Library Storage Facility we found a disaster relief kit that we decided would help with our daily duties as library student workers.  
Emily and I practiced safe shelving, 
while Andrea safely checked out books.  She wishes she could be cool and shelve like us. 
We had far too much fun. 

Day 141

On a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Tuesday, this postcard from the East Coast was the bright spot in my day.

141st Day

Quesadillas are my go-to meal when I don't have much time to cook. Or eat. 

18 October 2010

140th Day

Hockey is unlike anything I have ever seen before. So intense! So fast-paced! So awesome!
We had super sweet seats. Note, my camera is not zoomed in, we were just that close!
Ian and I got to celebrate an overtime Blackhawks win over the St. Louis Blues!
We even got to see a few fights - eek!

Day 140

Homecoming weekend is over, and it's back to work! Which means I'm back to sitting on the living room floor -- who needs a desk?

139th Day

Early in my sophomore year at MC I stumbled upon Faith United Presbyterian Church. I had no idea what I would find as I was church hopping.  I soon found such a warm, loving, and generous community of faith that quickly became an essential part of my college experience and is one of my most favorite things about returning for visits.  

17 October 2010

Day 139

Can I just say that I love that these bright pink flowers are still blooming outside my apartment in the middle of October?!