30 August 2011

Day 90: It's a beautiful day...

...in the IU-hood. Days like today make me wish I could walk to campus instead of taking the bus.

29 August 2011

Day 89 {First Day of 17th Grade}

I absolutely love the first day of school. It might be my favorite day of the year. This one was a little (okay, way more) daunting than the first day in years past. Even if I only spent two hours in class, I still survived my first day a history graduate student at Indiana University! This is my celebratory frozen yogurt from Red Mango. We had to brave the swarming undergrads, but it was totally worth it!

28 August 2011

Day 88 {Saved By Grace}

Ephesians 2:8-9 = My reason for living.
To live is Christ.
Happy Sunday, y'all!

27 August 2011

Best Food Ever on Day 87

Dinner at Farm with the other U.S. History ladies. All local and organic food -- hands down the best in Bloomington. Bison burger all the way!

Day 86 (It's Friday!)

The arrival of the last official day of orientation had us all humming Rebecca Black's horrendous song. Five things I did on Friday:
1. Sat in the most uncomfortable chairs in the SLIS auditorium.
2. Picked up the rest of my books. I feel like they are just sitting on my bookshelf laughing at me.
3. Went to a History Department potluck where we didn't get very lucky with the food choices.
4. Got real food from Scholar's Inn. And free cookies since they were getting ready to close!
5. Hung out at The Atlas. Apparently it's where the polite grad students go. And with all the maps on the walls, I was in heaven!

25 August 2011

Day 85 {Night on the Town}

1st Year MA/MLS Students' first night out.
A trip to a Bloomington institution: Nick's.
We were home by 9:30 -- Orientation is taking its toll!

24 August 2011

Day 84: Orientation Day 3

Meet my new (and window-less) home for the forseeable future -- the Herman B. Wells Library.

23 August 2011

Day 83 {A Red Letter Day}

This is where I started my day on campus. With an iced coffee and the school newspaper, looking out that wall of windows onto a beautiful campus. Today was definitely a red (or should I say IU crimson) letter day. I finally got my ID card (and can now ride the city bus for free)...and...I have a job in the University Archives!!!

22 August 2011

On My Own on Day 82

The first day of orientation was a success! I met some awesome people, registered for classes, and bought my books. Then I headed home and set up my printer -- all on my own! This birthday message to my sister was my test page. Success! And happy 18th birthday, Hannah!!!

21 August 2011

Day 81: Exploring Part II

A successful Sunday. I found a church. Ate a free lunch (Sorry, there's no picture of the sandwich...I had already eaten it all by the time I thought to take a picture. Stocked the fridge. Cooked my first dinner in the apartment. Figured out the bus system for the trip to campus tomorrow. Not too shabby for the day of rest!

Day 80 {New Apartment}

First breakfast in the new apartment = frozen blueberries, strawberries, and pineapple.
I have a big kid bed for the first time ever. No more sleeping on a twin! And as you can see, Happy made the journey safely and he is quite at home on my new bed.
My favorite feature in the apartment: the floor to ceiling bookshelf in the living room.

Exploring on Day 79

My sister and I went on a walk to explore the area and found this cute little park not far from my apartment.

Loading the Car on Day 78

Old Gracie Lou is packed to capacity and ready for the drive to Bloomington!

17 August 2011

Day 77

I stopped by my grandparents' for lunch this afternoon. And snapped this picture of my grandpa's grapes before I left. They look so good! All I can think of is I Love Lucy and her trip to Italy!

Road Trip on Day 76

Road trip along the Mississippi to Galena.
I climbed these steps. All 215 of them. Nope, that's not a type-o. Two One Five.
This view was my reward. Beautiful.

Day 75 con mi hermana

First (and probably last) trip to the root beer stand...
...then to see Glee in 3D. They gave us hats to commemorate the experience...who has ever heard of such a thing?
Later that afternoon, I hit the open road to visit some friends in Bloomington. Illinois, that is.

Day 74 {Summer Sunday}

Lemonade at my grandma's.

13 August 2011

Day 73 {Wide Open Spaces}

"And her soul is a corn tassel kissing a west wind..."
Being at my grandparents' brings the beautiful words of Carl Sandburg to mind.
My boy Nuisance. I really wish he could come to Indiana with me.

At the Movies on Day 72

Yeah, I know. It's the most popular book in America right now. Everyone's talking about it. Including my grandma. I'm ashamed to admit that haven't read it yet. My sister and I took her to see the film version. And I cried. And I cried. For the whole movie. As someone who has researched the 1960s, the film was especially moving. It is so poignant and extremely well done. I can't wait to read the book. Hopefully I have time in the next week or so before my free time runs out.

12 August 2011

To the Dreaded Dentist on Day 71

To me, going to the dentist is like going to detention (which I only did once, by the way. And it was for losing a golf ball in P.E. sophomore year. For the record, I think if you hit your ball too far and can't find it, you should be okay). But I digress. I hate the dentist with the fiery burning passions of a thousand suns. Make that a million. BUT...for once in my life, I didn't have any cavities! I just sat in the chair dumbfounded, not knowing what to do until the hygienist handed me this crazy pink bag full of stuff and said, "You better run before he changes his mind!"

10 August 2011

A Haircut on Day 70

Remember this from March? Well, this haircut is exponentially better.
As is this cooler weather that allows me to sit on the front porch without sweating.

09 August 2011

Day 69 (Just Being Home)

Campfire S'mores ice cream...yes, please!
And a beautiful sunset over the cornfields on the drive home from town.

08 August 2011

Day 68 {Every Teardrop is a Waterfall}

I'll be seeing you, Monmouth.
Today was the day I stopped by the office, turned in my keys, got in my filled-to-the-brim car, and with this song on the radio, drove away from my college hometown. I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry.
And then I was back home in the aptly nicknamed Tornado Alley for my first ever trip to the laundromat. No tornadoes tonight, just these wicked looking clouds.
And now it's time to throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in my sails. Ala Mark Twain.

Day 67

Recipe for my last full day in Monmouth. Me. A couch. A good book. And the cats.
Then...some champagne. Strawberries. Dinner and a movie.

New Abbreviations on Day 66

Is it common knowledge that "poto" is an abbreviation for potato. If so, I've seriously been missing out. For my entire 22 year love affair with the potato.

07 August 2011

Day 65 = Last Day of Work!

Peach turnover for my last day...they know me all too well!

04 August 2011

Day 64: Packing Teil Zwei

My dad came to my apartment this morning to take home a lot of my stuff.
Then I spent most of my afternoon/evening packing up the rest of it. To the musical stylings of Ray LaMontagne.
All I can say is thank God for these yellow crates.
My car is filled to the brim with everything that a college student acquires while living in the same apartment for the past two years. It's weird to think that I've already spend my last night there. It's been real, Madden House.

03 August 2011

Day 63 = Apartment-Warming

House warming flowers for a dear friend who has a new apartment and a big girl job.
I came to check out her new digs and make breakfast for dinner -- apron and all.
And it was delicious! Best tots ever.

02 August 2011

Hot on Day 62

In more ways than one --
Temperature wise. Seriously? 99 degrees? With a heat index of 115? What is that?
And emotionally. My poor Silver Bullet was just minding his own business in the parking lot. Now he needs a new rear bumper. The Pontiac is an extinct breed of car so it will have to be ordered. Fingers crossed that he'll be finished before I leave for IU!

Day 61: Senior Class Gift Update!

They've started to build our senior class gift! It's great to see that $11,000+ going to good use on an outdoor classroom. And to see that all of our blood, sweat, and tears truly accomplished something. Okay, maybe there wasn't blood, but still. I can't wait to come back at Homecoming to speak at the dedication and see that brick with my name on it!

Day 60: Working for the weekend?

You know that song "Everybody's Working for the Weekend" ? Try working on the weekend. I spent my Sunday afternoon rocking the Monmouth College polo whilst checking in students who moved to campus early.
P.S. Apparently I epically fail at posting on time. This week has been exhausting -- and it's only Tuesday!