21 October 2010

Day 143

Give my Women's Studies class chalk under the cover of darkness and things are bound to get a little radical. We'll see what the campus thinks of our antics when they walk to class tomorrow morning!


  1. Oooooh! I hope you take photos of the results!

  2. As a general rule, I try not to post anything I wouldn't want my grandmother to see (even though she doesn't have a computer and doesn't know how to turn one on), so there aren't any photos of the results. My sincerest apologies!

  3. Rain in Monmouth today will wash away the results for any stray grandmother visiting campus. But I do feel the need to remind us that certain fabulous viragos, like Elizabeth Cady Stanton for one, were grandmothers!

  4. Exactly! You missed your chance, Hope. Perhaps your grandmother would have wanted to join in on the fun; she's a spunky lady.
