29 September 2011

So long, farewell...

Dear Readers (viewers?),

The time has come to say goodbye. We've had a good year and a bit, but this photo thing is getting more difficult than you think. Thanks for following along as the seasons changed, as we struggled to get that paper turned in, and as we celebrated birthdays and graduations and everything in between. We hope you've enjoyed finding beauty in the simple things in life.

Paige and I each have our own blogs, so feel free to keep up with us!

Paige and Hope

25 September 2011

Day 116 (Or a Book I Wish I Had Time to Read)

Who has a signed copy of Laurie R. King's new book? This kid (props to my sister).

Day 115 {Chicago, Chicago}

My first Metra trip into the city...it's way better than the El.
This shot turned out way better than I thought.
I ate lunch at the Rookery with my sister, the Burnham expert.
And we spent the rainy afternoon at the Art Institute. I'm glad I finally got to put those art history skills to good use...and spend some time with the Chagall windows.

Day 114 @ Elmhurst College

My first visit to see my sister at college!
And my first time driving anywhere near Chicago.
And the first pumpkin spice latte of the season.

22 September 2011

What I learned on Day 113

No, I did not take this photograph. I know you're surprised. But anyway, that's my main man LBJ with my new favorite senator from Indiana, Birch Bayh, circa 1968. I spent my entire day processing his campaign papers, and here's what I learned:
1. Birch Bayh was a handsome man. No Bobby Kennedy, but still.
2. Barry Goldwater had no soul. Against minimum wage, civil rights, preservation, and in favor of going to war with Cuba, China, and Vietnam to name a few.
3. Despite Bayh's all around awesomeness, Indiana's road system is still atrocious. My drive from Bloomington to Indianapolis might have been the most frustrating hour+ of my life.
4. Working in a cage on the 11th floor of the Wells Library is more than slightly creepy.
5. I seriously wish I could have lived in the Sixties!

21 September 2011

To the Library on day 112

After my 3 hour library science class this afternoon, I still felt the urge to make a trip to the public library downtown. Actually, I needed to take a DVD back (they have an amazing collection, btw). I'm not sure what is with the giant bears outside the library, but I'll roll with it.

Day 111 (Rough Day)

In general, I'm not a fan of Tuesdays. But this one was especially rough. So I spent part of my afternoon relaxing creekside.

19 September 2011

Day 110: It's beginning to look a lot like...

...autumn! Fall weather has definitely come to Btown. And it brought me a head cold -- thanks so much!

18 September 2011

Day 109 {Anticipation}

Our tickets are here, our tickets are here! I can't wait to go to my first Big 10 football game in two weeks with the first-year U.S. history ladies (we really should think of a nickname for ourselves ala the Pink Ladies of Grease)! Perhaps it could have something to do with this creepy website we found (seriously, click at your own risk) -- after we drove by the actual place outside Bloomington!

A weekend filled with joy.

This weekend was simply wonderful. Even my Saturday morning cereal was happy.  
 I finally got to see my favorite Eva!! (as well as a handful of other Alpha Xi sisters for a bridal shower/bachelorette extravaganza that I will never forget... unfortunately. 
And don't you just agree that pies and windowsills were made for each other?

Baking on Day 108

Saturday afternoon = baking a fruit pizza for girls' night.

Reading on Day 107

I feel like all of my posts could potentially have this title. But my Friday was an especially great day for reading as I sat outside the Sample Gates in the autumn weather waiting for a friend to go to lunch at Siam House. Here's something I never thought I'd say...I love Thai food.

15 September 2011

Day 106: The Arrival of Sweatshirt Weather

I love it when the weather allows me to wear a sweatshirt and shorts (so it's a good thing I picked up an IU sweatshirt). I love sleeping with the windows open and hearing the trains rumble across the bridge. I love the way the cold air hits your lungs in when you run. I love the way academia seems to hang in the air as you walk across campus. And there's just something about that bright blue September sky. Autumn seems to have arrived in Bloomington (at least for the rest of this week).

A running weekend

This weekend I ran the Chicago Half-Marathon. It was amazing! I've never done anything like that before, but I can honestly say that it was one of the most remarkable things I've ever done.  I definitely think that I'll do more races in the future.
 My awesome fan club found me six different times and even ghost ran a few exit ramps with me (we ran most of the race on south Lake Shore Drive, marking the second time I have walked/ran on the drive, the first time during the Snownami that shut down the city in February). Kudos to my wonderful fan club - I couldn't have done it without you folks!

My amazing roommates and me post-race.
Look at my sweet medal!
photo credit: Ashley Swicegood and random stranger we asked to take a group shot.

14 September 2011

Breaking Away on Day 105

Taking a study break to watch a movie about the Little 500 that was filmed entirely in Bloomington. And stars a shirtless Dennis Quaid. Circa 1979. Don't mind if I do!

13 September 2011

Day 104 = Long Day on Campus

I loathe Tuesdays. Give me a Monday any day. Being on campus for 12+ hours straight seriously takes its toll.
But these views while studying seem to make it all worthwhile.
And the fact that I absolutely love what I'm reading right now. But I won't bore you with all the details.

12 September 2011

Day 103: Monday Night Dinner

I love my History Department friends. This is our first Monday Night Dinner. Tortellini with spinach with olive oil and parmesan. Top that off with some celebratory wine and a trip to Jiffy Treet for some ice cream! Who knows what we'll cook up next week!

11 September 2011

At Church on Day 102

Church and coffee...two of my favorite things. In one place. There's no better way to spend my Sunday morning.
My prayer for today and everyday:
I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom

10 September 2011

Day 101: Another Adventure

My mom and grandma came to town today and we ventured out to Nashville in Brown County to walk through the shops...
...and eat the first scoop of pumpkin ice cream of the season! Great Saturday!

09 September 2011

An Adventure on Day 100!

Since we all have Fridays free, the first-year U.S. History ladies set off on a hiking adventure at Lake Monroe.
First fork in the road. We were already confused. Maybe we should stick to the library. Luckily, the trail was just a giant loop.
This apparently is The Big Oak of Big Oak Trail. Stately.

08 September 2011

Day 99 = Pizza Party!

I went to a pizza party tonight! Yes, I know that sounds so junior high. But this one sponsored by the HGSA at Max's was totally worth it. All you can eat pizza and local beer from Upland. My extremely limited budget and I were totally in. It definitely beat a peanut butter sandwich...or worse, Ramen. And the company wasn't too bad either!

07 September 2011

Cooler Weather on Day 98

{You know you're a graduate student when...}
I might be having nightmares where Karl Marx is my uncle and E.P. Thompson is my love interest (apparently I couldn't resist the accent), but at least it's beginning to feel a lot like fall at IU. It's definitely cardigan weather!

06 September 2011

Day 97 = First Day on the Job!

The first day of work in the University Archives was a success! I got into the Senate papers I'll be working with and survived my first two hours of front desk duty. Back to work tomorrow morning before my dreaded computer class!

Back in Btown on Day 96

Home sweet apartment.

05 September 2011

A weekend in the country.

I ventured home this Labor weekend for many reasons - most importantly to see family. I love visiting the farm. I'm so thankful that my grandparents are still active. I think their new puppy is keeping them young. The land is drier here, the dust fills my nose (and set off my allergies), and the corn is ready to be shelled. I reckon it won't be a gorgeous autumn in Pike County because of how dry it has been here (I should have sent down some of the rain we've had in Chicago).  Nevertheless, the cooler temperatures are most welcome. We enjoyed catching up with each other and watching the dogs play together in the front yard. Pictured above is my uncle, my grammie, and the new pup, Callie. 

Day 95

Dear dog in a car in the Walmart parking lot,
You seriously made my day when we pulled into the space next to you. I hope you drove home safely!

Day 94 = Popcorn Festival!

A Saturday back home in Manito for the Popcorn Festival...
Walking Tacos are a must-have while waiting for the Lip Sync to begin.
And then the rains came. And the thunder. And the lightning. At least I came prepared with a bath towel.

03 September 2011

At the Train Station on Day 93

A wonderful visit at MC ended with a trip to the train station in the land of Carl Sandburg to pick up my sister. It's good to be in Illinois for the weekend!

01 September 2011

Day 92 (Homeworking)

(Attempting) Homework at home over the Labor Day weekend. Let's just say I didn't get very far on this article about structures of race in the U.S., Australia, and Brazil.

In the Library on Day 91

A morning spent on the Quiet Study Floor. The only thing I was studying was this crossword puzzle from the IDS. It's not the NYT and it's in pencil, but it's a start!

30 August 2011

Day 90: It's a beautiful day...

...in the IU-hood. Days like today make me wish I could walk to campus instead of taking the bus.

29 August 2011

Day 89 {First Day of 17th Grade}

I absolutely love the first day of school. It might be my favorite day of the year. This one was a little (okay, way more) daunting than the first day in years past. Even if I only spent two hours in class, I still survived my first day a history graduate student at Indiana University! This is my celebratory frozen yogurt from Red Mango. We had to brave the swarming undergrads, but it was totally worth it!

28 August 2011

Day 88 {Saved By Grace}

Ephesians 2:8-9 = My reason for living.
To live is Christ.
Happy Sunday, y'all!

27 August 2011

Best Food Ever on Day 87

Dinner at Farm with the other U.S. History ladies. All local and organic food -- hands down the best in Bloomington. Bison burger all the way!

Day 86 (It's Friday!)

The arrival of the last official day of orientation had us all humming Rebecca Black's horrendous song. Five things I did on Friday:
1. Sat in the most uncomfortable chairs in the SLIS auditorium.
2. Picked up the rest of my books. I feel like they are just sitting on my bookshelf laughing at me.
3. Went to a History Department potluck where we didn't get very lucky with the food choices.
4. Got real food from Scholar's Inn. And free cookies since they were getting ready to close!
5. Hung out at The Atlas. Apparently it's where the polite grad students go. And with all the maps on the walls, I was in heaven!

25 August 2011

Day 85 {Night on the Town}

1st Year MA/MLS Students' first night out.
A trip to a Bloomington institution: Nick's.
We were home by 9:30 -- Orientation is taking its toll!

24 August 2011

Day 84: Orientation Day 3

Meet my new (and window-less) home for the forseeable future -- the Herman B. Wells Library.

23 August 2011

Day 83 {A Red Letter Day}

This is where I started my day on campus. With an iced coffee and the school newspaper, looking out that wall of windows onto a beautiful campus. Today was definitely a red (or should I say IU crimson) letter day. I finally got my ID card (and can now ride the city bus for free)...and...I have a job in the University Archives!!!

22 August 2011

On My Own on Day 82

The first day of orientation was a success! I met some awesome people, registered for classes, and bought my books. Then I headed home and set up my printer -- all on my own! This birthday message to my sister was my test page. Success! And happy 18th birthday, Hannah!!!