No, I did not take this photograph. I know you're surprised. But anyway, that's my main man LBJ with my new favorite senator from Indiana, Birch Bayh, circa 1968. I spent my entire day processing his campaign papers, and here's what I learned:
1. Birch Bayh was a handsome man. No Bobby Kennedy, but still.
2. Barry Goldwater had no soul. Against minimum wage, civil rights, preservation, and in favor of going to war with Cuba, China, and Vietnam to name a few.
3. Despite Bayh's all around awesomeness, Indiana's road system is still atrocious. My drive from Bloomington to Indianapolis might have been the most frustrating hour+ of my life.
4. Working in a cage on the 11th floor of the Wells Library is more than slightly creepy.
5. I seriously wish I could have lived in the Sixties!
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