31 December 2010

214th Day

The view from my bed where I'm ringing out the old year and probably won't be awake when the new year arrives.  Here's hoping I'm healthy in 2011!

213th Day

This is what a day spent on the couch makes the coffee table look like.

30 December 2010

Day 213

Four games in four days and a 3-1 record. The Lady Raiders were the champions of the Consolation bracket, or as I call it, the Toilet Bowl. But I'm still proud of my baby sister and the awesome D she played this week!

29 December 2010

212th Day

Plop plop, fizz fizz.

Day 212

Hannah and I made pregame (homemade) pizzas before she left for her third basketball game in as many days. And yes, I made a smiley face with my pepperoni.

28 December 2010

211th Day

I returned home to a pile of Christmas cards that I missed in all my holiday travels.  Our door is covered!

Day 211

I woke up this morning to find these awesome icicles on our house!

And it looks like fog froze to the trees!

210th Day


27 December 2010

Day 210

For me it's always pie, never ever cake. And pumpkin just might be my numero uno.
Side note: I drink so much milk it should be a crime.

209th Day

I spent some quality time with Adrian this morning. She loves catching snowballs.
 My dear mother sure knows how to throw a shin-dig. Halpin Christmas 2010 went off without a hitch. The Bears won. The Rams won. One epic snowball fight. Tons of food. If only my dear father weren't feeling ill.

26 December 2010

Day 209

Sledding at my grandparents! At dusk by spotlight!

I barely beat my grandpa for the distance record!

Day 208

These are my grandparents...playing the Wii for the first time.

Too funny!

25 December 2010

208th Day {Christmas}

"Over the river, and through the woods to Grandfather's house we go; the horse knows the way to carry the sleigh through the white and drifted snow."  I recently learned that this was a Thanksgiving song, but I felt as though the first verse was appropriate for this Christmas morn.

24 December 2010

207th Day

The snow didn't keep me away from St. Mary's Church tonight - thankfully I only live about four blocks away.  The church was full, the babies were wailing and the guitars humming. It was a very nice Christmas Eve service.

Day 207 {Christmas Eve}

Stille nacht, heilige nacht,
Alles schlaft; einsam wacht...

23 December 2010

206th Day

Candy cane cookies!

205th Day

A day of Christmas calling. Thankfully everyone was home and I didn't have to use my calling cards.

Day 206

Did He realize that he would be my Savior the first time He opened His eyes? Did He know that He was born to die so I could pray for Him to save my life?

22 December 2010

Day 205

Yep, you're seeing that right. Me -- in the kitchen. Frightening as it may seem, it was my night to cook dinner at the Grebner house. And that could only mean one thing...
"Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and file gumbo
'Cause tonight I'm gonna see my ma cher amio
Pick guitar, fill fruit jar, and be gayo
Son of a gun we'll have fun on the bayou."
Gotta love a little Hank Williams singing "Jambalaya" in the kitchen!

21 December 2010

204th Day

A day of domesticity.

Day 204

My alliance usually lies with Coach Pat Summitt and the Lady Vols of the University of Tennessee, but tonight I was definitely a Husky fan as I was glued to the TV watching Coach Auriemma's team from UConn win their 89th straight game. It was a great day for basketball...and to actually see a women's game getting some attention!

20 December 2010

Day 203

After waking up at 6:30 am for no apparent reason and an early morning workout, I decided today would be a curl up in my favorite quilt and read/watch soccer/sleep kind of day. The Italians call it la dolce far niente, or the sweetness of doing nothing.
I think they're on to something!

203rd Day

"Ahem, the moon is round. It has two eyes, a nose, and a mouth." 
I learned this hilarious exercise from the lovely woman with a yardstick in hand pictured above. Tonight I gathered with other 4-H-ers to thank her for her work, kindness, and love over the years.  Pike County is losing a wonderful woman due to State budget cuts. She will be greatly missed, but we wish her well.

202nd Day

 Look! Demon, I mean Damen hall is almost gone and now you can see the Life Sciences building.

Oh, the Violet Hour. Out for a celebratory drink at the coolest Prohibition-esque bar.

19 December 2010

Day 202

Our snow dog.

201st Day

Our closet door is filling up with Christmas cards!

18 December 2010

Day 201

Let the weddings of people my own age begin...it's a weird feeling. Today was my cousin Laura's wedding (technically she's a year older, but we grew up together) -- it was elegant yet understated. And the best part...breakfast for dinner (my favorite meal). Best. Reception. Ever.
Congratulations Laura and Clint!

17 December 2010

200th Day!

A night on the couch with fluffy pink socks, slippers, sweatpants and an early Christmas present - The New Yorker!

Day 200

Our trees of Christmases past are covered with snow! I wish we still planted our Christmas tree outside every year!

16 December 2010

199th Day

There were no sailboats to long for on the Lake today...

Day 199

First day of our respective Christmas Breaks and it's snowing! Glorious!

Day 198

At my sister's last (and very festive) Christmas concert. She's over there on the end rocking the trumpet, but she also made her debut as a pianist/percussionist. Needless to say, I was impressed.

15 December 2010

198th Day

You know it's the holiday season when you are greeted at work first thing in the morning with pumpkin bread, coffee cake, and a drawer full of chocolate! What a treat!

Day 197

My apartment was a pretty hoppin' place on the second to last day of finals. People needed to be checked out of their rooms for the semester and friends were stopping by to work on papers and hang out. It definitely improved my day trapped inside on duty!

14 December 2010

197th Day

My moment of geek for the day: going with a dear new friend to hear Edmund Morris speak at the Harold Washington Library about his new Theodore Roosevelt book.
Sorry for the poor quality of this photo... I was trying to be sneaky.

13 December 2010

Day 196

Baby, it's cold outside! Luckily, I spent most of my day inside Wallace Hall where it was warm and the finals were flowing. But now, I'm officially done with my seventh semester of college! And today was definitely a grilled cheese and tomato soup (my favorite winter meal) day!

196th Day

It's not very often that I get to share the food that I make, but today for lunch there were three of us around and I made chilli.  It was perfect for this day in which the high was 15 degrees and it snowed off and on. 

12 December 2010

195th Day

Oh, the weather outside is frightful...

Day 195

Every time it snows I think of my third grade English class with Mrs. Wagoner. She made us memorize and recite poetry. I did "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. It is still one of my favorite poems.
And tonight, I definitely have "miles to go before I sleep."

Day 194

I got a start on my Christmas cards tonight...

11 December 2010

194th Day

The roads to the North Pole are getting treacherous and I wanted to make sure that my letter got to Santa in time.  Thanks to Macys, I think it will!

10 December 2010